Dr. Harlan Awarded Rachmiel Levine Award
Dr. Harlan Awarded Rachmiel Levine Award
We are pleased to announce that our co-founder, Dr. David Harlan, was recently honored with the Rachmiel Levine Award at the annual Rachmiel Levine-Arthur Riggs Diabetes Research Symposium. He was recognized for his research career, which spans nearly 40 years. Dr. Harlan’s award lecture was titled “Finding a way despite unplanned sharp turns.” He also spoke at the Symposium dinner and moderated two sessions: “Current Challenges in T1D Prevention” and “Precision Medicine in T1D: Tailoring Therapeutic Strategies to Patients.”
He was joined at the event by Sambra Redick, PhD, Senior Research Scientist (featured right in photo below) in the Harlan Lab, and (left) by V. Sanoe Harrison, MD from Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium, who trained in Dr. Harlan’s lab at the NIH.